Specialised Pharmacy Services | CARiNG Pharmacy

Specialised Pharmacy Services

We Go Personal With Your Healthy Lifestyle

Diabetes Counselling Service

Advance technology is making blood glucose monitoring and management so much easier for you and your healthcare team.

MyHealth Record

MyHealth Record, also known as Patient Medication Record (PMR), is an electronic record system that record all the medications you are taking.

Weight Counselling Service

Weight loss has advantages in reducing cardiovascular risk factors and other obesity associated diseases. Our pharmacists provide personalised weight counselling service.

Smoking Cessation Service

Smoking is a well-known for causing a lot of diseases and yet smokers find it hard to quit smoking.

In order to encourage smokers to quit smoking, we are providing smoking cessation service in most of the CARiNG Pharmacy stores.

Medication Use Review (MUR)

When you take regular prescription medication, it’s good to review it from time to time to make sure you’re getting the most benefit from it.

Monitored Dosage System

At CARiNG Pharmacy, we offer a Monitored Dosage System(MDS) that can help patients who take a lot of different medications at different times of the day and have trouble keeping up with what are meant to be taking and when.

Chronic Disease Management

Chronic Disease Management (CDM) is a service for people with a long-term condition.

A long-term condition is a health problem that is likely to last longer than a year and needs ongoing medical care, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or asthma.

Rehab Rental Service

Rehab rental service provides temporary rental of equipment to support recovery after surgery, illness, or injury. Instead of buying equipment you will only need short-term, renting offers affordability and flexibility.

Latest Health Info

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