Sustainability | CARiNG Pharmacy


Corporate Social Responsibility

We Care For The Communities We Serve!

Corporate social responsibility is a vital part of CARING. Our approach to corporate social responsibility is focused on our partnership with stakeholders that share our values of improving health and wellbeing of the communities that we serve.


Our Customers


Our Community


Our People


Health Awareness Day

To promote healthy living and the importance of early detection and management of common silent killers (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high glucose and obesity) among communities. Regular FREE health check, medication use review and counseling are provided during the CARiNG Health Awareness Day to the neighborhood.

Caring Health Talk / Workshops

We provide free health screenings, valuable information and health talks/workshops by medical doctors, senior diabetic nurse, physiotherapist and psychologist.

Heart Health and Stroke Prevention Workshop

Digestive Health Workshop

Nocturia Workshop

Eczema Workshop

Diabetes Management

A series of 6 workshops

Kids Health Workshop

Seamless Customer Experience

Serving you wherever you are, whenever you need. Always at your fingertips.






Mobile App


One Shop One School

The objectives of CARiNG One Shop One School are to serve the community through first aid subsidy to local primary and secondary schools, to create health awareness among students, and to reduce expenditure burden of these schools. In this program, 20 selected primary and secondary schools nationwide received a few units of first aid kits for daily usage and are entitled to replenish their first aid items at dedicated CARiNG stores in 2017 and 2018. CARiNG also worked hand-in-hand with the schools to create health awareness among the students through an activation medical doctors, senior diabetic nurse, physiotherapist and psychologist.

Go Green Initiative

We aim to reduce plastic usage in our retail stores by embracing a few simple daily actions.


Recycle Bins


RM 0.20 Plastic Charges


Gotong Royong

Community Outreach Programmes

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Elderly Home Visit


Support Various University Activities And Events


Free Health Checks For The Community


Our People

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Staff Trainings


Leisure Gathering & Team Building Activities


Anniversary Service Awards

Sustainability @ CARiNG

At CARiNG Pharmacy, we’re deeply committed to sustainability. We weave Environmental, Economic, and Social (EES) values into the heart of our actions. It’s our promise to nurture a healthier tomorrow for our communities and
future generations.

Greening Our
Environment Together

We put our heart into the environment. That means getting smart with our supply chain, saying ‘no’ to waste, and choosing packaging that loves our planet as much as we do.

Our Environmental Initiatives

Reusable tote boxes
Sustainable supply pallets
Medication disposal programme
Biodegradable shopping bags
Bags reusing rewards
Efficient logistics planning
Minimising Promotional Waste
Cashier Roll Reduction
E-Receipt Option
Cutting Paper Waste
Water Saving Initiatives

Boosting Economic

We’re big on supporting our local community and spreading health awareness. Whether it’s backing schools or hosting health talks and free checks, we’re in it to make a positive impact, one helping hand at a time.

Our Economic Initiatives

Community donation exercise
School first-aid box project
Online and offline health talks
Free health checks

Strengthening Social Connections

We’re all about keeping things safe and sound. From occupational safety and health, looking after our team’s well-being, to keeping our data secure and playing by the rules, we’re committed to a happier, healthier workplace and community.

Our Social Initiatives

Employee awareness programmes
Enhancing employee well-being
Data privacy protection
Information security measures
Legal compliance adherence

Sustainability Framework @ CARiNG

Our Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability Strategy & Roadmap to 2030, endorsed by RMSC and Board

Our Sustainability Policy

Policies and guidelines to implementing processes/activities to achieve our targets

Sustainability Statement

Sustainability efforts and key indicators will be consolidated and presented through our Annual Reports

Sustainability Awareness

Promoting sustainability awareness to all employees, twice a year

Awards & Recognitions

Recognition by established sustainability group CSR Malaysia

CAN - CEO Action Network

CARiNG is a proud member of the CEO Action Network (CAN). Here, we team up with 58 top businesses in Malaysia to make a real difference. Together, we’re all in on pushing for a greener, more sustainable future through advocacy, learning, and action.

Stakeholder Engagement

Engage stakeholders, reveal key issues, and review engagement strategies regularly.

EES Initiatives

Pledge one EESG project, establish baselines, and report outcomes routinely.

Greenhouse Gases

Disclose all operational emissions from direct to indirect sources.

Female Management

Track and publicise women’s representation in leadership roles.


Formulate incremental policies for comprehensive employee well-being enhancement.

Promotion Catalogue